Sunday, September 03, 2006

life is - eudaimonia?

What is life?
Life is freedom?

What is freedom?
Freedom is the ability to do whatever we would like to do, or feel like doing? (within lawful limits of course)

Why do we like to do the things we like to do, and do the things we feel like doing?
We do the things we like to do and feel like doing in an attempt to achieve an aim or an ultimate purpose?

What is this aim or purpose?
We aim to achieve happiness? To do whatever makes us happy? Because we are happy when we can do the things we like to do isn't it?

What makes us happy then?
I don't know - Many people don't know? Happiness works differently for different people? Definitions of happiness changes with time and circumstances? We know how humans are greedy and are never satisfied? After achieving something, they don't stay happy for too long? Very soon, they yearn for something else? Yearn for that elusive something else that they think will make them happy? Only to find that they are not satisfied? Will we ever be satisfied?

How will we ever be satisfied?
We will be satisfied when we learn how to come to terms with ourselves?

Does coming to terms with ourselves a function of age or maturity, when dreams die and ambitions wane? Does coming to terms with ourselves equate to the lack of drive and motivations? Will the lack of drive and motivations lead to the end of improvements? Or is this being realistic instead of mature? Maybe it's pessimism? Will we ever be clear about what the differences are? Are the differences, if they exist, even important? They are unimportant if we can come to terms with ourselves isn't it? We are going around in circles aren't we?



Anonymous said...

after coming back frm a working trip for 3 wks in hk.. and reading ur blog entry. i got past the 1st para and ....

ok it's been a long 3 wks. and well i'll try again. sounds really chim.. :p

vulnerable toes said...

hehe... philosophy messes up peoples' minds. I have no idea what I'm writing either. And this is all near exam time too...

Love Philosophy!!!