Saturday, March 11, 2006

Are there health concious smokers?

I've heard some advise that a smoker should / not do in order to 'preserve' their lives. Here are some examples:

  • Do not suck the cigarette all the way to the end (where the filter is) as the last portions is very toxic.
  • Do not chew gum while smoking. (I don't know why but maybe the tar / nicotine gets stuck in the chewed gum. So isn't this better? It's another filter!! Or maybe the chewed gum has got a low boiling point, so low that on interaction with the smoke from the cigarette, it forms a more lethal and toxic sustance?)
  • Don't smoke too much menthol flavoured cigarettes, especially for the guys. Menthol is known to reduce sperm count - so is excessive cycling.
  • Do not 'tarik' too much - the lesser the amount of time the smoke stays in your lungs, the least damage it can wreck. (Then isn't it a waste of money?)

With all the governmental health warnings, and all the disturbing pictures on the cigarette boxes, I believe that everyone who smokes, if not everyone, knows smoking is bad for health. So are there health concious smokers?

Isn't health concious smoker an 'oxy-moron'? Then are those 'tips' relevant?

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